
Couple lose so much weight they can BOTH fit into wedding dress at same time

Publicado: 2016-08-11

Louise and Mark Hannigan have shed an incredible 15st and THREE FEET off their combined waistlines in just seven months

A couple who once tipped the scales at a combined 36st have lost so much weight they can BOTH fit into the wedding dress from their nuptials .

Louise Hannigan, 42, weighed 15st and wore a size 22 dress despite being only 5ft 5in tall.

Husband Mark, 41, even had his driving licence taken off him for being too fat as his weight crept up to 21st.

Source: www.sheindressau.com

Now, incredible pictures show a remarkable turnaround in their appearance after they lost a combined 15st and THREE FEET off their waistlines in the space of only seven months.

The pair have lost so much weight that they can both now fit into Louise's wedding dress - at the same time.

The couple, from Peebles in the Scottish borders, are now celebrating their second wedding anniversary by being crowned the Cambridge Weight Plan's slimming couple of the year.

Mark suffered from sleep apnea when he was morbidly obese and would find himself falling asleep behind the wheel at least once a day.

The DVLA revoked his license after the commercial gas engineer had a coughing fit behind the wheel and crashed into a lamp post.

Mark, 41, was told he would not get it back until his BMI dropped from a dangerously high 43 rating to 30.

At their worst they would spend £300 on food every week - most of it takeaways and convenience junk after they'd been shopping for healthy foodstuffs which they usually ended up throwing away.

Every day Mark would have a bacon sandwich and McDonald's on his way to work and would gorge on chocolate, crisps and energy drinks.

He said: "We always used to buy a healthy food shop every week from the supermarket but most of that would get thrown away.

"We were kidding ourselves with the healthy food shop. We got takeaways all weekend and ate crap the rest of the week. We didn't realise we were killing ourselves.

"The amount of money we've saved from spending on junk food is worth two motorbikes - and I would know because I've checked.

"When we started getting noticeable results, we hadn't seen our family in months and we thought we'd hold it off until we'd reached our goal.

"My mum didn't recognise me when we showed up at her door. We looked like completely different people. She was in shock, she just couldn't believe it."

Mark fell from 21 stone and six pounds to 12 stone and six while his wife fell from 15 stone and two pounds to nine stone.

In the process, Louise dropped from a size 22 to a size eight dress and Mark shed two feet off his waistline.

And now they've had to spend thousands of pounds on a brand new wardrobe.

Mark added: "Initially my motivation for dieting was getting back my licence but I quickly realised how much my life was improving, I was starting to completely change my life and become a better husband and stepdad to my sons.

"Apart from the obvious physical differences, the boost in my fitness and confidence and the mental differences have been phenomenal.

"My wife says I'm not grumpy anymore and I've definitely noticed that too.

"Our family life, and our love life, has improved no end. On top of that, I've got my driving licence back.

"I no longer live half a life but now have a very fulfilling and rewarding life. Reaching goal wasn't the end for us it's the beginning of a whole new life.

The couple, who both followed the Cambridge Weight Plan, are now experts in weight loss management and are offering one-on-one consultations at a weight loss centre they have set up called The Hannigans in their home town.

Louise, a former dinner lady at Peebles High School, who lost 10 and a half inches from her waist said: "All my life I have been an emotional eater.

"I ate when I was happy or sad. I have been overweight as far back as I can remember and I was a size 18 when I was 18.

"I love to bake and cook. Whenever my family liked a recipe I'd cook it until they were sick of it - homemade cheesecakes, cupcakes, double sized portions of lasagne - I was a feeder."

"We just want to make a difference to people around us. There will be so many people thinking, like we once did, that it is too hard and they won't ever succeed - but we are proof that they can, and with our help they will."

Louise has two children from previous relationships, who Mark is step-dad to.

Also see: http://www.sheindressau.com/yellow-bridesmaid-dresses

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